

V-Fest Deer Lake Day 2

The fun continued on day 2 and we finally had a completely sunny day. Thank you to everyone who contributed flowers, stars, fairy's and more peace signs. You really truly are a beautiful pixie..

BC sunsets are nice..


V-Fest Deer Lake Day 1

Some order was restored after day 1... .. .

My airplane deer sketch


V-Fest Halifax eh

Yesterday, we took to a muddy Citadel Hill and let the eager beaver Halifax folk express themselves with some art puke fun. Bleeaaahhh!.. Thanks to all the muddy contributors..

. .. ...and a couple of pics from foggy ol' Hali.

Next stop, Deer Lake BC on the 25th and 26th. Can't Wait!



My Brother Rob and I collaborated on this Skateboard design using his Bite images and submitted it to Infectious.com's skate decks challenge. Now it's up for voting and you can vote on it by clicking here...