

Mexico City

View from the roof of the Quality Inn in Mexico City (Roma)

After a recent trip to Mexico City I am still in awe of what an incredible city it is. Mexico City is massive and there is so much to see. I can't wait to go back! About a year ago I really got into the beauty of shooting with film and I wanted to share a few pictures from this great experience that I got to share with some great friends..

The Mariachi boat

Lovin' the sun

Xochimilco (the X is pronounced like an S) is really special. It is said to be the Venice of Mexico City and like to refer to it as so-chill-milco cause it is just so chill as you cruise through the calm water canals under the sun with your friends. As you're floating along on your boat other boats come along side you to offer you drinks, delidious authentic cuisine and mariachi services. It's really peaceful and the scenery is beautiful and interesting.

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